God’s Kingdom the Only Way

Recently God explained to me the meaning of Luke 13:44.

44 The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought the field.

God showed me that the treasure is the kingdom of God. It must be sought out. Once found we bury it in our hearts, and we then take ownership of that kingdom in our lives. It costs us everything. (But it’s worth it. It’s a treasure.)

God then gave me this: “You cannot live outside the kingdom. You must live as its citizen every day. You’ve been entertaining thoughts of doubt and unbelief. Repent and come fully into My kingdom where I say you are whole, in your right mind, and totally prosperous in every area of your life. My kingdom is My way all the time. The kingdom of darkness is evil, defeating, lying; don’t choose that. Keep your residence here where I am, and where things are as I require. It is a great treasure because nothing can defeat My kingdom. Stay there; dwell there; make your home there.”