Happy New Year!

These last few weeks at New Jerusalem church God has been emphasizing to us individually and as The Church that we must set aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

It’s time for the church to pursue a life in the Spirit rather than living like the world in the flesh. So what’s the difference between the Spirit-life and the flesh-life. The simplest way to explain this is a life in the Spirit is a life that the believer lives by the Word of God, selflessly, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Pleasing God is at the forefront of this believer’s life. It is a life of power, and blessing. The life of the flesh is selfish and controlled by emotion. This life has self at the forefront and opens the believer to the kingdom of darkness. It’s end is misery and destruction.

Living a life in the Spirit broadens our ability to receive all that God has for us. Our connection and our covenant with God through Jesus gives us everything we need both spiritually and physically to have the success Jesus bought for us. 2 Peter 1:3 This ability includes the power to lay aside the weights of life and the sin that causes us to live in the flesh, and to exchange the flesh-life for the Spirit-life.

With this in mind, determine in this coming year 2024 to take hold of this life in the Spirit as never before and run the race that God has us in to see our families, churches, nation, and this world transformed into the Kingdom of God. Mathew 6:10

Happy New Year!