Live Your Life in the Spirit

In Luke 9:24 it says, “…whosoever will save his life, will lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake will save it.” In the Greek it says ” whosoever chooses to deliver, protect, heal, preserve, save, do well, make whole or be whole will fully destroy it”. Jesus is letting us know that when we protect ourselves, try to save ourselves etc. in our own wisdom and strength and doing so without God, we will inevitably fully destroy ourselves. The 2nd half of that verse in the Greek reads “yet whosoever that dies to his soul (mind, will, and emotions) for my sake will be delivered, protected, healed, preserved, saved, do well, be made whole, be whole.”

Romans 8:6-8Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that [a]comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].

[That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot.

So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.

It is so important we choose everyday to die to our ways, thoughts, and purposes and choose instead to live our lives totally submitted to God, His Word, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Living this way brings us everything we were trying so hard to get on our own. Since Pstr Joe and I began living like this over 40 years ago, we have seen God meet us with ample provision in every area of our lives. We wouldn’t live any other way. Determine to do this in your life, and watch God work. He’s amazing!