The Prince of Peace
Is 9:6 is where we learn that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but just reading that scripture in the English translations of the Bible doesn’t do that word “peace” justice. In the Hebrew, it’s shalom. Shalom means safe(ty), well, happy, health, prosperity, whole(ness), prosper, peace, rest, welfare. Even better, Jesus does not keep that peace (shalom) to Himself. In John 14: 27 Jesus says He leaves us His peace (shalom), and t He also says He gives us His peace (shalom). We don’t have to beg God for anything bc Jesus gave us everything we need in shalom. 2Peter 1:3 reiterates this promise. Every promise in the Word of God must be appropriated by faith and by following the leading of the Holy Spirit—just like we received the new birth. Isn’t God amazing to give us everything to live this life victoriously. Praise God!