
I woke up this morning with a headache and feeling terrible because of some things I said that I shouldn’t have among other transgressions that came to mind. I asked God to forgive me, ripped up the spiritual crop I started in the kingdom of darkness with my words, and purposed not to say or do those things again. I […]

Call to Prayer and Fasting

I apologize for again not being able to post bc of website issues, but here it is now. For the next 2 weeks New Jerusalem church is taking the time to fast and pray for this nation; the upcoming elections for no cheating and that the godly will be elected; for all to the see truth despite all propaganda and […]


As we remember the horrible attack on the United States, the people who lost their lives, and the bravery of the 1st responders and those who endured this assault, let us pray for this country and all who had impacted by this attack.

Labor Day

I tried to post this on Monday, but again had issues getting on the site. Here it is now. We celebrate Labor day recognizing the contributions workers make to America’s strength and prosperity. This brought to mind the labor we are to do as Christians in the Body of Christ. Paul writes: Hebrews 4:11 King James Version 11 Let us labor […]